Island of Borneo

Introduction of Sabah

Sabah, the second largest state in Malaysia, is situated at the northern part of the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. It covers an area of 72,500 sq. kilometers with a coastline of 1,440 kilometres long washed by the South China Sea in the West, the Sulu Sea in the Northeast and the Celebes Sea in the East. Known to the world as "THE LAND BELOW THE WIND", Sabah is rich not only in natural beauty and resources, but also in the cultural heritage of its people.

Jumaat, 26 Julai 2013

Community Murut Tagal Keningau

Murut Tagal from Keningau district

Tradition Dress features.

a) sleeveless blouse (sampayau pinongkoh).
b) Gloves (but) black below the knee. The uniqueness of the bead weaving colorful and patterned horizontally and vertically across the front and back of the blouse and sarong.
jewelry Clothing
Patterned beads and colorful as red, white, orange and green.


a) belt (Tirol dollars) made ​​from antique coin silver dollar.
b) belt (sukayan) made ​​of crystal beads red / brown (sapulu).
c) blue beads (botina) worn (dangling) at the waist.
d) belt (bungkas) made ​​of beads that are white layers are scarce now. Bungkas is hereditary family heritage and worth Rs 10 000. 00.
e) white necklace red blue and made ​​of beads and wood carvings.
f) Bracelets made ​​from beads hand worn above the elbow.

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