Island of Borneo

Introduction of Sabah

Sabah, the second largest state in Malaysia, is situated at the northern part of the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. It covers an area of 72,500 sq. kilometers with a coastline of 1,440 kilometres long washed by the South China Sea in the West, the Sulu Sea in the Northeast and the Celebes Sea in the East. Known to the world as "THE LAND BELOW THE WIND", Sabah is rich not only in natural beauty and resources, but also in the cultural heritage of its people.

Jumaat, 26 Julai 2013

Lepa-lepa Festival

Lepa-Lepa Festival

Regatta Lepa-Lepa .Lepa is to choose (traditional Bajau Laut boat made by hand) art construction most beautiful, the most beautiful decoration, the most prominent at the water's edge lined up to be judged by the judges. He over-plaster plaster deck looks traditional girl smile dance while accompanied by traditional music xylophone

The main attraction in Sabah tourism calendar and Malaysia, is Lepa-Lepa Festival or Regatta Lepa-Lepa, Sabah. Lepa-Lepa Festival decorated boats are the pride of the Sea Bajau Semporna. Coinciding with the visit Benchmark Pensiangan-Salinatan program to Semporna, SabahWater Festival Lepa-Lepa is Bajau Laut festival which is the largest tribe in the Semporna. Lepa-Lepa decorated with colorful flags. It involves every village from all areas perfectly, including scattered islands in Semporna, Sabah. All members of the family gathered in the Lepa-Lepa along and rejoice with dancing while playing a musical instrument xylophone
Regatta Lepa-Lepa is to choose (traditional Bajau Laut boat made by hand)construction  Most Beautiful art, the Most Beautiful decoration, The Most Prominent at the water's edge lined up to be judged by the judges. He over-plaster plaster deck looks traditional dance girl smile while xylophone

Bot Lepa-Lepa Festival

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