Island of Borneo

Introduction of Sabah

Sabah, the second largest state in Malaysia, is situated at the northern part of the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. It covers an area of 72,500 sq. kilometers with a coastline of 1,440 kilometres long washed by the South China Sea in the West, the Sulu Sea in the Northeast and the Celebes Sea in the East. Known to the world as "THE LAND BELOW THE WIND", Sabah is rich not only in natural beauty and resources, but also in the cultural heritage of its people.

Jumaat, 26 Julai 2013

Food Traditions

Food for an identity and a people for a people's identity. There are many types of food in the Kadazandusun community.Usually we can see a variety of dishes at festivities such as Harvest Festival which is celebrated every year on 30 and 31.In addition to the festival, the Kadazandusun usually live in the village, still practice the traditional cooking this dish.We also get to see and feel this kind of meal time rituals such as weddings and other functions held by the Kadazandusun.Indeed, the traditional food for the Kadazandusun is very different from the other races in the state. In addition to delicious food, of course, it also has its own uniqueness.

The Kadazandusun Traditional Food

Communities in Sabah have been blessed with a variety of foods. This is due to the nature of natural resources face many forms of supply foraging.For example, sea and river supplied with various types of fish, shrimp and so on, forests planted with a variety of wild plants, herbs, fruits and a variety of wildlife inhabited.
Sabah local community has introduced a variety of food traditions.This habit is practiced by more than thirty ethnic groups which are more influenced by lifestyle and environmental conditions of a particular ethnic residence.
Kadazandusun community in Sabah have been practicing eating tradition for generations and is still practiced today.Among the famous traditional food among the Kadazandusun is Hinava, Noonsom, Pinaasakan and Manuk Lihing Soup. The meals can be prepared in various ways according to The Kadazandusun traditional practice habits.

Hinava is the most popular food among the Kadazandusun.
Materials needed for the preparation of food is fish Fill (Mackerel)
 finely sliced, the seeds of which have been shredded Bambangan,
red chillies, ginger, onion, lime cotton and salt.


Noonsom better known as citrus in Malay. There are several types
Noonsom which was introduced by the Kadazandusun tribe.Among the most popular is Noonsom Sada (Fish), Noonsom
and Noonsom Tuhau.
Noonsom Sada - The fish used are types of freshwater fish,
 cleaned and
 preserved using Pangi pulp (crushed), rice and salt.
Combine all ingredients and filled into bottles / small tajau and
 leave it
for ten or twelve days to be eaten.
Noonsom Bambangan - Fill Bambangan sliced ​​fruit and seeds
with the grated Bambangan and a little salt.
When all the ingredients are mixed, fill into bottles or small tajau and leave it for a week before eating.
Noonsom Tuhau - Fill Tuhau sliced ​​and pickled with vinegar, salt and cayenne pepper.
When all the ingredients have been mixed, fill up the bottles and leave a few minutes before serving.

Materials needed for the preparation of these
 foods are fish (freshwater fish / marine fish),
cleaned and mixed with a little turmeric and
 ginger seeds that have been pounded, a little
tamarind seeds or fruit tart 'Takob-bakob', salt,
 seasoning powder and a little water.
Let it boil until the water is almost dry.


The cuisine is more commonly known as "Chicken Soup Lihing 'in Malay. Materials required are a chicken, a liquor known 'Lihing "among the Kadazandusun and sliced ​​ginger.How to prepare, boiled chicken meat that has been cut by half a cup lihing, sliced ​​ginger, salt and seasoning powder. Let it boil until the meat is tender chicken right before serving.By Kadazandusun traditional, this food is perfect for women who had just delivered. Most of the Kadazandusun traditional foods today can be found in some common some restaurants provide local traditional food.
In addition, a number of leading hotels also choose to serve 'Hinava' as a special meal for the visitors. Uniqueness and diversity of traditional food which was introduced by the local community Sabah today is one more privilege in this land below the wind.

Sup Manuk Lihing

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