Harvest Festival in Kadazan "Magavau" This is a special celebration in honor of "Bambazon" the spirit of rice. This festival is a traditional practice of Kadazandusun community since Ages. Festival "Magavau" is after it is held Usually Completion of the harvest.
There are many references to the word Magavau according to dialect and location Kadazandusun. However, it still means the SAME thing.
According to Oral Tradition, Kinoingan (God) and his wife has a daughter named Suminundu Huminodun. To save people from starvation Kadazandusun for not Having enough food, Then Kinoingan had to sacrifice Huminodun are solely for Beloved child. Huminodun Killed and his body was Buried according to the customs more. Supposedly, Produced Huminodun body has all kinds of plant seeds into the main food for us now. One of the seeds of the plant is rice. As part of the body that's Seeds Produce Huminodun p inert, hence arises the belief that's rice has a spirit named "Bambazon
Starting from this incident Kadazandusun people start ceremony Harvest Festival (Harvest Festival) as we celebrate today. Such that's hope the upcoming celebrations livelihood improvement and income. Ceremony honors the spirit of the that's Paddy rice is harvested and have completed Safely put into ketawai (Tangkob) of former rice stores. In Addition, this Harvest festivalalso reminds us of the sense of Appreciation and RESPECT for the community will Kadazandusun tribe Creator (Kinoingan) who is willing to sacrifice his favorite son Huminodun to save his men to not die of starvation.
Song - song Harvest Festival
Miiso doid kasanangan
Ingkaa daa tikid toun
Chorus:- Kasaakazan Do Bambaazon
Toun haid tumahib
Au opiumanan
Toun vagu noikot no gontob
Tadau kalamazan
Kotobian do Toun Vagu
Doid songovian
Ada tokou pogivovogu
Ondomo kovosian
Kanou no manaandak Mohoing dazanak
Tadau tagazo do Kaamatan
Kinasakazan Bambaazon
Kotobian om kounsikaan
Hasa sopiampun
Misompuru Id Koubasanan
Osodu noi koniab , Gontob tanong di aki,
Natalup no i ralan, Nantadon tulun tokou,
Upus nu om upus ku, Koubasan gulu-gulu,
Orubat au poinsurat tungkusan sinakagon
Tobpinai kanou pogi,
Mi-iso id koubasanan,
Mogiampun-ampun tokou ,
tumabi toiso-iso
Misompuru id koubasanan
Tadau do kaamatan, tadau do koubasanan,
Pogirot piombolutan, tukad do ingkokoton
Soira po wagu tokou mamasi koubasanan,
Miobpinai toiso-iso, iso rikoton tokou.
Festival Harvest let's enjoy with this song: Tadau Keamatan |
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